In Belize, much of the instruction in primary schools involves rote memorization and copying from the blackboard. Students learn to recognize words, never developing comprehension or independent reading skills.

In many classrooms in South Belize City, students share standard textbooks at a ratio of two or three students to each book. There is limited or no access to books that children would find interesting.


LWB works directly with local partners to provide culturally and age-appropriate sets of graded readers for classroom libraries.

In 2017 Scholastic graded reader sets and teacher training was provided to 35 classrooms in 6 schools.


We have since identified and visited at least 3 schools that require renovations:

  • Wesley Lower – renovation of library/resource room (bookshelves) purchase of library equipment (listening center) earphones, TV/DVD player, magnetic board laptop(s) for assessment software. Principle Saldana to provide a “Wishlist” and budget.

  • Calvary – Bookshelves for classrooms.

  • Salvation Army – bookshelves for their computer/library resource room.